Seneca – EPIC

Hello future students this is Seneca.

I am a sophomore at University of Central Arkansas. I am going to describe to you in a few paragraphs when and Why I UCA.

Coming to school was a scary event for me indeed…After coming from what seemed like a dead end job and hoping to find my niche. Surprisingly enough, I found more than that through UCA. I not only found my dream major and possible future career I found EPIC Residential College and it has been the best discovery for me in a long time.

I am a nutrition major so though my major isn’t necessarily connected to EPIC (Entrepreneurship, Public Scholarship, Innovation and Community),I have been able to succeed both in and out the classrooms as well. I have always had confidence in my ability to succeed but never really much imagination. EPIC helped me to discover my creativity while also putting it to positive use and strive to ascertain not only success through the projects we do but success in the classroom, to work harder than ever before to make the grade. Through EPIC I have been able to do both, to have my cake and eat it too as the saying goes.

Why do I UCA? Because of EPIC Residential College. The main program in EPIC that has helped me thus far was our recruitment/retention project.  Each team was given either one of those ideas and we were to come up with ways to improve it. I have to be honest at first and for a while I was afraid to come up with any ideas, but soon I found myself getting excited about the prospect of keeping students here and it started to raise my belief level. My team and I were able to band together and through research and numerous man hours came up with an idea that we could be confident about and get behind and support.

EPIC allowed me to be realistic yet different at the same time. I took the same all I gave to the project, put it into my studies and I have been able to increase the time spent studying for tests with more success, but also I am able to better focus on the task at hand whether it be a paper or homework assignment. I could not have done it without EPIC. Speaking from experience being in EPIC is so worth the time and effort because it will help you succeed, not only in the program or in your academic careerl, but in life.

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