This is some of the motley crew from my freshman year in 2010-2011. Aren’t we cute? This is my junior year as a UCA Bear and a STARS kid. If it wasn’t my favorite place on campus, I would have moved by now…
I am a Sociology major, a junior, and a UCA Bear. I fancy myself an artist at times and a terrible procrastinator at others. I’m a theatre kid and sometimes like to think of myself as the most talented undiscovered signer there ever was….and I may be a bit delusional because of that. I’m a STARS kid.
A little background for the uninformed: STARS is the residential college at UCA that specialized in music, theatre, art, communication, and all of those lovely things. It’s a place the artsy oddballs can call home, and we do. If I was labeling my blogs with some fabulous heading, it would probably read something like, “Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens, Bright Little Freshmen and Late Nights in the Practice Room,” or “Five Reasons You Should be Jealous that I Live Here and You Don’t….” Perhaps something less sassy.
One of my favorite things about living in STARS and I assume any other residential hall is the simple fact that there is a classroom in the building. It really doesn’t seem like much in the grand scheme of college and life and whatnot, but it makes for relaxed classes with people you are pretty much guaranteed to know. Everyone in the residential hall is required to take two or three classes offered exclusively for your hall, and the classes are generally Gen Ed classes or relating to the emphasis of the hall. There were so many days where I would just hang out in my room until two minutes before class and then leisurely stroll down the hall to class and back when it was over. Also, you wouldn’t believe how much joy you get on rainy days when one doesn’t even have to go outside if they so choose. It also seriously helped in group projects because I already knew most of the class and they all lived in the same building so syncing up was almost too easy.
Another added perk of my beautiful building is related to the classroom. I’m a tutor in STARS but I have also been tutored in some of my more rough subjects. There is generally someone in the classroom every day of the week to help you with school work or organization or whatever. And the best part? They have to be there whether you come to tutoring or not… so you’re not even inconveniencing anyone. [Which is something I am ALWAYS paranoid about.]
Really, at the end of the day, it’s a great community and when you put off a paper from class and have to do it last minute- there are five other people pulling an all-nighter with you. It’s always fun in the lobby and you can always find someone to hang out with or to help you with class or really whatever you need. We are a big weird artsy blob of a family, and it’s pretty awesome if I may make so bold a statement.
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