As a sophomore at UCA and an advocate in one of the Residential Colleges I have seen first hand on two different sides the importance of any students academic career. Last year I lived in one of the residential colleges and this year I am the advocate there. There are so many positive sides to living in one.
One of the biggest ideas I love about it from my experience is the fact of 8am classes. Who doesn’t like 8am classes? I know I sure don’t! After staying up all night working on projects or even hanging out (because you can go ahead and admit it, you probably will stay up till late hours of the night just hanging out), early classes are a headache that no one wants. But you want to know something that could be some good news? Well, some good news for you is that in residential colleges is the idea of classes in your dorm. All you have to do is wake up, walk down stairs/down the hall and go to class. The more rest and still make it to class the better!

Music Appreciation with STARS Resident Master Dr. Kondwani Phwandaphwanda in the Short/Denney classroom.
Something else, from my viewings of having class inside the dorm is the idea of relationships with your classmates. It is always good to know a few other students in your class for emergency cases and when you live in a Residential College you should know almost everyone in there with you. It is easier contact because some classmates will be right down the hall from you.
The academic side of Residential Colleges is so important. In these environments, your academic success is the main priority. There are different ones with different focuses (such as Hughes, which focuses on leadership, EPIC focuses on entrepreneurship, STARS RC lives the arts, and many more).
The pictures I took are of one of the classes offered in our Residential College, Music Appreciation, which is tough by our Resident Master. Today the discussion was over different types of instruments and where they were founded. Dr. K showed diferent examples or the students to be able to get a visual picture of the instrument. In this class you learn the history of instruments and music and you also get the opportunity to see an opera and a music group that comes to perform on campus. This is a very education class and very fitting for STARS Residential College.
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