The Richard Hudson Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is having our Fall meeting next Tuesday, September 29 in the Library Dean’s Conference Room on the second floor at x-period, 1:40. We have had a request to reopen the issue of granting tenure to Senior Lecturer/Clinical Instructor/Laboratory Instructor, so that will be first up on our agenda. If you have a particular interest in this issue, I urge you to attend.
You can read more about the AAUP’s position on tenure on the national site:
New members are welcome. If you paid dues last April and are up-to-date with national dues, you can vote next week if we need to take a vote (which I’m thinking we will). If you didn’t pay last April, please bring $10 with you in either cash or check. You’ll also have to be up-to-date with national dues.
Otherwise, you are welcome to attend and speak but cannot vote.
Please let me know if you have any questions or issues you would like to be considered.
Lynn Burley
President, Richard Hudson Chapter of the AAUP

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