
Importance of Hiring a Title IX Advisor

Federally-funded schools and universities in Florida practice the Title IX law. Title IX is a law that’s meant to offer justice to victims of sexual harassment on campus. 

Whilst the intention was (still is) to discourage the incidents of sexual assaults, the law, nowadays, is being misused as well. The most common examples of misuse of title IX are as follows:

  • Miscommunication between two people that might give the other an impression of being assaulted. 
  • Revenge incidents where you’re wrongly accused. 
  • Higher penalties like termination in cases of minor incidents. 

Even if there’s been an incident and you weren’t aware of the law, the punishment should not be grave if the crime wasn’t serious. The only help that you can get is through a reputable Title IX advisor in Florida

How can a Title IX Attorney Help?

Whilst you might not be aware of the complications before things get out of hand, a title IX lawyer is. An experienced attorney has handled many cases that will be a plus when it comes to helping you come out clean. 

When you approach a lawyer, the lawyer will thoroughly investigate and collect evidence that’ll prove your innocence. In case you did really have something to do with the incident, the attorney can still help reduce the punishment from termination to suspension and so on. 

A skilled attorney will also be able to convince the board to let you start afresh at some other school or college. However, the stigma of sexual harassment might close the doors of some colleges and universities. 

If you’ve been listed guilty, you can still hire a lawyer to appeal against the decision. However, every state has a certain timeline within which you have to apply for an appeal against the decision of the school. 

So, hiring the right lawyer while there’s still time is of great importance. 

What happens if you don’t hire a Title IX lawyer timely?

Every school and academic institution hires investigators of their own and offers counsel as well. But, the main objective is not to give the accused a fair chance at trial. The school is trying to close the case. Hence, the decision is mostly made against the accused. 

So, if you solely depend upon the school to serve justice, you’ll be up for a rude shock. You might get a suspension, even termination. 

Summing Up:

Hiring a title IX attorney is your best chance at protecting your career as well as your peace of mind. Make no mistake, Title IX will also affect you and your family mentally. So, contact a law firm today and get out of the situation. 

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