Archives for April 2014

“So… What do I do now?”

By: Beth Dykes, Class of 2013beth

“So what’s next?” The inevitable question everyone asks when you mention graduation. If you’re like me, you had no idea what was really next and every time someone asked you that question… you’d freak out a little. No need to fear; you’re not alone.

You’re in the home stretch of being done with homework, essays, mid-terms, and finals. The joy is overwhelming, but so are the choices for your life afterwards. You could go to career fairs to see if you connect with any of the companies represented. You could start studying for the GMAT to hopefully start working towards your MBA. But whatever path you choose, make sure it the one that makes you happy. Don’t base your choice on what is best for your pocket book (hard for us business majors) or the one that makes you look the best; look for the one that will bring satisfaction for the long-haul.

The “Career” Route

Search. Apply. Fingers crossed for an interview. Repeat. When applying for a job, you have to get your name out there. No company is going to randomly call for an interview, unless they’ve received your name somehow. I can’t stress enough how much Career Services can assist you. They will even keep helping you after you graduate! They were able to get me second interviews with four companies. You want to get as many interviews as possible. This obviously increases your chances of getting a job offer. Once you have offers on the table, the choice is yours to make.

Professors are also your allies in the job process. It’s so important to build relationships with your instructors, and discuss what field you want to pursue. If they hear about an internship or career that fits, they might let you know!  Once again this gets your name out there to hopefully secure an interview.

Now that you have an interview set up, be sure your resume is good to go, you dress for success, and be on your game for the interview! Mention all the successes you’ve accomplished. Remember even if your “weaknesses” should be strengths for an interview!  Never mention anything negative or bring up issues in the initial interview. Once you’ve determined their corporate culture fits with your personality, this is a good sign that you’ll enjoy this job for a long time.

The “More Schooling” Route

There are two paths along this route. You can start schooling directly after you graduate, or start in your career and decide to go back. It all depends on how flexible your future job will be. Once you are in the job and with promotions up for grabs, it is hard to leave and go back to school. If you want to get a jump-start on even more higher education, there are some steps that need to take place

First, you need to start searching for a school that suits your needs. International business? Path to doctorate? Executive MBA plan? See what the schools have to offer, and what admission requirements are in place.

While your search is taking place, you should be studying for the GMAT. It’s a tough test, but you can do it with the help of study guides. But definitely do as many practice test as possible! Once your GMAT is finished (you get your score automatically!) you can start applying, and see what schools accept. Then once again, the choice is yours!

There are so many options for you after graduation: take some time off, start your career, or go back to school. All are valuable choices and each take consideration of their own. If I have any advice, it’s to do what makes you happy. Take what you’ve learned and use it.

Some Marketing & Management Humor…

Life always seems better when we laugh. Sometimes things are meant to be funny. Sometimes funny happens by accident. Other times, we laugh so that we don’t cry. Here is a little humor for which ever situation.

A glassUnlimited

The Optimist says:
“The glass is half full.”
The Pessimist says:
“The glass is half empty.”
The Marketing Consultant says:
“Your glass needs re-sizing.”

You might be a marketer if…

…you refer to dating as test marketing.

How many social media marketers does it take to change a light bulb?
Any good social media marketer knows that it’s not about the change itself—it’s about how to engage people in conversations about the change.

Where’s the best place to hide a body?
Page two of Google. Nobody will look there.

Management Lesson
A crow was sitting on a tree, doing nothing all day. A small rabbit saw the crow, and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing all day long?” The crow answered: “Sure, why not.” So the rabbit sat on the ground below the crow, and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Management Lesson: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Really Stupid Joke
In the office restroom the boss placed a sign above the sink. It had a single word on it, ‘Think!’ Next day he found another sign above the dispenser, this one said, ‘Thoap!’

When blue-collar workers go out together at the weekend they talk about football. When middle management are together, they talk about tennis, whereas top management discusses golf. Conclusion: the higher up you are, the smaller your balls.

A man stands on a factory floor looking around aimlessly. The CEO comes up and asks him his salary. The man replies, “5000 a month sir.” The CEO takes out his wallet and gives the man 15000 and tells him: “I pay people here to work and not to waste time… here’s 3 months salary. Now get out of here and never come back!” The guy leaves. Then CEO asked another worker, “Who was that guy anyways?” The worker replies, “Courier boy sir…”